Consistency The single-most important factor in achieving successful publication of Press Releases is to set up and maintain a regular system. This would require producing and submitting two press releases per month to various magazines. Never more and never less.
Persistence The companies that achieve the widest publication of their press releases are usually the ones that send out releases regularly, even to magazines that tend not to publish their releases.
Follow-up Following up the submission of press releases is an effective technique for success. Calling an editor, publisher or ad sales rep is an excellent way to reach your publication goals. But do you really have the time?
Here at Wirth & Wirth Advertising & Marketing Services we have a dedicated Press Release team. Their primary function is to generate and submit two Product Press Releases per client every month without fail. We keep sending your releases out to editors and publishers, reminding them of how important we consider these releases to be. Keep in mind that there are currently over 80 automotive related magazines that publish Product Press Releases. That's a lot of potential exposure for your products.